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I already have my PP in Word. What is the easiest way to get it into the proper format?

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While the asciidoctor format itself it simple text, getting from Word into that text can be complicated. The tools available to do the conversion automatically still will need a lot of manual editing after they are done, so the benefits, for this particular use case, are questionable.

The recommended method (from Brian Wood) has two steps: one for the general content and one specifically for tables.

Content step:

This step should be done by copy and paste from the original into the chosen editor. Table content can be skipped. While the content is pasted in, any general formatting (headings, etc) should be added. Any images should be saved into individual files and references to display them added during this step.

Tables step:

To do the tables, download and installĀ pandoc.

In this step, copy each table into a new document (for simplicity, all the tables can be placed into one document, but the conversion can be done on documents with single tables if that is preferred). Do not worry about the captions, only the content of the tables. Once you have saved the Word document with the tables, open a command prompt (where you can access pandoc) and run this command:

pandoc --from=docx --to=asciidoctor --wrap=none tables.docx > tables.adoc

Once you have the tables.adoc file, you can copy the individual tables from there into the proper locations in the content file. Formatting of the tables is then easier as the content is already there.

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